Data formats for slide controller

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If you do not pursue an object you shall prefer the use of INT, DINT or REAL.


Unsigned BYTE (1Byte) : The range is from 0 to 255.

Useful PLC-commands: INC and DEC


Signed BYTE (1Byte): The range is from -128 to +128. In FBD, LAD and STL this data type does not have any equivalent


Two-digit BCD (1Byte): The position of the slide controller is translated into a two-digit BCD number from 0 - 99. If you want to display this value with the digital display you will be able to use the format hex-byte.


WORD (2Byte): The range is from 0 to 65.535.


INT (2Byte): The range is from -32.768 to +32.767.

Useful PLC-commands: +I, -I, *I and /I


Three-digit BCD with sign (2Byte): The range is from -999 to +999. The number will be interpreted as negative if the four highest bits equal 1.

Useful PLC-commands: BTI and ITB. You cannot make a calculation with BCD-numbers.


DWORD ( 4Byte): The range is from 0 to 4.294.967.295.


DINT (4Byte): The range is from –2.147.483.648 to +2.147.483.647.

Useful PLC-commands: +D, -D, *D and /D


Seven-digit BCD with sign (4Byte): The range is from -9.999.999 to +9.999.999. The number will be interpreted as negative if the four highest valued bits equal 1.

Useful PLC-commands: BTD and DTB. You cannot make a calculation with BCD-numbers.


REAL (4Bytes): floating point numbers

Useful PLC-commands: +R, -R, *R, /R, DTR and RND

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