Accumulator 1

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This 32-bit wide memory is the turntable of almost all informations which are processed byte by byte, word by word or double word by double word. Most of the instructions refer to the accu 1, either as data source or as data destination or both at the same time. If data are read out of the memory they reach the accu 1 first and if data are to be written into the memory they will be taken out of this. If calculations and manipulations are to be done the content of accu 1 will be part of it and the result will be saved here as well.


Accu 1 consists of a double word, two words, four bytes or 32 bits, according to the approach. The both words are distinguished by the addition H (high) and L (low). The four bytes are distinguished by adding HH (form high-word the high-byte), HL (from high-word the low byte) and corresponding LH and LL.


Accu 1 H

Bits 31 - 16

Accu 1 LH

Bits 15 - 8


See also:


Accumulator 2

Accu 3 and 4

Result of Logic Operation (RLO)