Import of the Program

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To import a program you have to generate a source in STEP ®7 first. A text file that contains the program is named source. You can edit a source with every text editor.

Start STEP ®7
Open the project
Start the LAD/STL/FBD-editor, for example by opening any block. Then you have to close the block again because sources cannot be created of opened blocks.
Select the menu item File|Generate Source.
Enter any name for the source that shall be created in the edit mask.

Select the blocks that shall be imported to TrySim; you do not have to think about the order. (See also: import-filter).

Select ‘Addresses: Absolute’
Confirm with OK
Start TrySim
Open the project
Select Project|Import|Blocks|S7-STL-Source
Now you must find the STEP ®7 project. Presumably it is in
       C:\Step7_Vx\S7proj (a file is opened by a double click).
Open the file with the name of your project.
Then TrySim opens the file S7ASRCOM automatically. If this does not happen because of any reason you will have to do it yourself.
In this file there are one or several files which are called 00000001, 00000002 and so on. In one of these files there is your STL-source.
If you have opened the 0000000x - file the available STL-sources will be displayed in the right window. Open the desired one with a double click or mark it and confirm with OK.
(Remark.: In this file the sources are not saved under the name which you have entered but they are numbered corresponding to their creating date: ‘0000000x.stl’, and x is a hex-number, that means the tenth entry is called ‘0000000a.stl’, the eleventh ‘0000000b.stl’ and so on. If TrySim cannot translate the coded names to the correct names you will have to select the file with the biggest number that is the one which you have just created.)
If everything went right the message ‘Import Successful’ appears, otherwise a list with the blocks which could not be compiled will appear. See section problems with import.


See also:

Import of Symbol Table

Export of Program

Export of Symbol Table

Import and Export in General


STEP®7 is a registered trademark of the Siemens AG.