EN - Input and ENO - Output



With the EN (enable)-input at blocks it can be specified whether an operation shall be executed or not. Having function- and function block-calls this means whether the function/the function block is called or not.


If the EN-input is connected the operation will only be executed if a ‘1’ is next to it. How this is executed internally you will see easiest if you compare the FBD with the STL-display:



 A   I  0.0

 JNB _002

 L     L#90

 L     L#67


 T   MD  10

_002: NOP 0


If the input I 0.0 is not ‘1’ it will be jumped to the mark _002 because of the JNB, that means nothing happens. The NOP 0 is necessary here because after a jump label there has to be at least the no-operation.


If the EN-input stays unconnected the operation is executed absolutely. You can detect an unconnected input due to the fact that the operand starts with a ‘?’. If you have defined a symbol that starts with a ‘?’ you will have to put it in double inverted commas. Here is the comparison between the FBD- and the STL-display.


 L     L#90

 L     L#67


 T   MD  10

 NOP 0


Here no jump exists, so the addition will be executed in any case. The NOP 0 is only necessary here because of the retranslation from STL to FBD.


See also:
