Group Manager

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You reach the group manager by machine|groups.


Elements | Select:

Select a group out of the list. If you click the button ‘select’ all elements of the group will be marked in the graphic windows and the group manager is closed.


Elements | Edit:

Select a group out of the list. If you click the button ‘edit’ an element edit mask will be called up on which only such properties can be edited that are existing in all elements of the group. The more similar the elements of a group are the more properties can be changed by you. If you want to change the speed of drives, for example, only elements must exist in the corresponding group that actually have got a drive.


Group | New:

After entering the name of the new group the group editor is called up. If elements were marked in the graphic windows these will be added automatically to the new group.


Group | Edit:

With this the group editor is called up to add elements to a group or to take them off.


Group | Erase:

The group is deleted without further inquiry. The elements that are in the group are not deleted naturally.

See also :

Groups in general