Characteristic Curve

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This element is needed to convert one quantity into another. Currently it is only used for the efficiency of the heating dependent on the temperature but we are going to extend it to other applications.


You create a characteristic curve either just like a normal element or you select ‘New Characteristic Curve’ out of the list of an element which can conduct characteristic curves. You can also call the edit mask of the characteristic curve by double clicking the characteristic curve field of such an element.


When creating the characteristic curve, you have to enter the number of the desired x-axis-points and also the XMin- and XMax-values. Then you select the points which need to be edited with the slide controller above the graphic and enter the corresponding values into the field ‘Y-’. If you confirm the input with ‘Enter’, the slide controller will jump onto the next x-point automatically.


This element is not ready yet, but it will do most of its job at least.


If the edit mask cannot be opened the data gsw32.exe, gswdll32.dll and graph32.ocx will not be existing or they will not be registered. Unfortunately we cannot supply you with these data by this version.


Static elements of simulation


Tabsheet: Thermal elements