Operations on Networks

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New Network

As long as you write one network after the other they are created automatically as soon as you leave the last network with ‘Page Down’ or with the double arrow on the scrollbar. If you want to add networks afterwards select PLC |Network|New. The new network is added in front of the current one. Note that you do not get an empty network with the function Network|Add, but the one that is deleted resp. copied last.


Delete Network

Select PLC|Network|Delete. The deleted network is saved in the clipboard and can be inserted again with Network|Insert on another position, even in another block.


Copy network

With PLC|Network|Copy you transfer the current network into the clipboard without deleting it. You can insert this network again on another position with Network|Insert


Insert Network

With PLC|Network|Insert you insert an already deleted or copied network in front of the current network. You can insert networks several times and also in other blocks.


See also:
