Options | Machine

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You reach the options via View|Options


Units of measure

The unit mm is now preset. Other units of earlier versions are not supported any longer.


Machine size

Here you can specify the white colored part of the machine. You can change these values at every time without any damage.

We recommend to adjust these values to the corresponding real machine size, because then it is easier to sort out the chaos of windows with the menu item View|Resize window.


Automatic start

When this option is activated, the simulation starts automatically when a project is opened.

It is very useful for the passing on of the free runtime versions of TrySim to end customers, so that the function of future machines can be checked and discussed in their company.


This option is extremely disturbing if you have programmed an endless loop and the cycle time monitoring is not activated: TrySim will crash as soon as it is started. In this case start TrySim with the parameter “N” (for Not automatical start).


Use grid

The function grid, which does not need any explanation, is useful for the arrangement of control elements and for the construction of fantasy machines. If you want to create a real machine it is more effective to enter the values of the technical drawing than shifting elements with the mouse.