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A chain consists of segments. The segments can be shifted or turned with the mouse or by the edit mask like other line shaped elements as well. While shifting a segment the previous and following segment is automatically adjusted in that way that the chain is closed again.


New segments are created by dividing an existing one. To do this select the segment which needs to be divided, open the edit mask with a right mouse click and choose the button ‘divide segment’ in the tabsheet 'parameter'.

If you delete a segment, the ends of the previous and next segment are connected so that they meet in the middle of the deleted segment.

Deleting the last but one segment (then the chain only consists of two segments lying on top of each other) is the same as deleting the whole chain.


To reach the edit mask of a segment, select it, open the edit mask of the chain and choose the button ‘edit segment’ in the tabsheet 'parameter'.


The nodes sitting on a segment do not belong to it but to the chain of overriding importance instead.


You can set the visibility for each segment of a chain separately, but this setting will be overwritten if the visibility of the whole chain is changed.

If you have made an element invisible in all directions you can only process it by calling it over the element tree.

Tabsheet : The chain can be found on tabsheet actuators