Distance Sensor

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This element is used to measure the distance to dynamics. This sensor detects just dynamics.


The distance is reported to a word within the PLC in the units chosen by you on the edit mask (default are 1 imp/mm). In the field ‘points’ you have to specify how many points on its length the sensor checks to find a dynamic at all. Please adjust this value to the size of your dynamics. If it is too low, it is possible that the sensor ignores a piece. If it is too high, the sensor consumes more CPU power than necessary.


With the check box ‘max value if nothing found’ you can adjust whether the sensor shall report a ‘0’or the maximum value to the PLC if it does not find a dynamic at all.


To change the orientation of a distance sensor you have to point with the mouse cursor near to the end of it and wait until the mouse cursor changes to a cross.


If you only need a contact that switches at a special distance, just program in OB2 for example:


L IW 512

L 500


= I 4.6        

// enter the correct address here

// enter the switch distance here

// according to desired functionality <I as well

// enter the correct input here

See also:

Level gauge

Common properties

Static elements of simulation

Elements with PLC-connection


Tabsheet: Sensors